Sunday, September 29, 2013

Why Study?: Fundamental science

Why study it?
     Physics is a branch of science that is concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy.  The subject matter of physics includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms. Physics is crucial to understanding the world around us, the world inside us, and the world beyond us.  


     Labs are an important part in discovering information.  For example, there were multiple labs being tested on, and one example is the Hex Nut Lab.  The hypotheses was if the number of hex nuts increased, the mass would increase.  This hypotheses was found to be true.  Here are a list of key points presented in the labs:
  1. Logic can be used to determine the line of best fit,  there is a chance there can be a slope without any units,  and the 5% rule.  
  2. There is a relationship between the radius and the area of a circle.
  3. Lab #3- Rod Lab:  Different groups can have different results.  In this case, different rods were used.  
  4. Lab #5- Spheres Lab: As the diameter increases, so will the volume.

     Interested in more?  Check out these awesome websites!

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